We record and study the life, history and cultural environment of Vantaa. In addition to our basic duties, we carry out contemporary documentation, recording, inventory and research projects.

Nainen tutkii papereita arkistossa.

Photo: Stella Karlsson, Vantaan kaupunginmuseo.

Contemporary documentation and recording projects

We record the history of Vantaa as well as life in Vantaa today through photographs, objects, and archival materials in addition to interviews and surveys. We have collected news about the latest documentation and recording activities here. 

Archaeological excavations

The City Museum and the Vantaan Historiatoimikunta history committee have funded several archaeological excavations to study the history of mediaeval times, among other things. Previously, the City Museum itself has also carried out archaeological research in the Vantaa region. The reports on the excavations by the museum can be found in the database maintained by the Finnish Heritage Agency.  

Vantaa50 history project

Vantaa50 is a project by the city’s history committee, and it is implemented by the City Museum. In 2024, Vantaa celebrates its 50th anniversary as a city: The Helsinki rural municipality became the Vantaa market town in 1972 and the City of Vantaa in 1974. In the research project, the 50 years of the history of Vantaa are written down and a Festschrift is published. In addition, the Vantaa50 project includes collecting oral tradition and history-themed events.