Service group: Customer support and assistance

This lists content related to customer service and assistance. The site may also contain other related content.

Give feedback opens in new window, links to another website

Landing page

Share your feedback with the City of Vantaa. You can give feedback on the city's services, actions and decision-making.

Vantaa multilingual guidance opens in new window, links to another website


Vantaa's multilingual guidance gives you advice on matters such as for example living, working, hobbies and help filling out forms.

Myyrmäki major region Tikkurila major region

Cultural environment


Vantaa City Museum hires two researchers of built heritage and one archaeologist. You can ask them questions about protection and management of the cultural environment.

Digital support opens in new window, links to another website


Digital support means support for the use of electronic services, online services and widely used applications.

Vantaa Info opens in new window, links to another website


Vantaa-info offers general counseling about services provided by the City of Vantaa and other public actors, as well as support for the use of e-services.